I have a big problem with items of clothing. Something may look good on me, but when I wear it & walk, if I can feel it rubbing or pinching it sends me into an immediate panic attack. In fact it is the only thing that gives me panic attacks.
As an example; I have recently gone down to a smaller waist size, and needed to buy some new jeans. I went to a clothing outlet & tried loads & loads on. They looked good in the changing-room mirror, & nicely showed up all my contours of my body, but then I had a go at walking in them by pacing up and down in the hallway of the main fitting room.
Material rubbed against my skin, and I couldn't stand it. I didn't buy any of them.
I phoned a semi-support worker & she advised me to look what I have in my wardrobe already & buy the brand and type that is the same but in a smaller waist size. This is now what I have done.
Does anyone else face a simular issue with buying clothes?
We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.