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16 Aug 2015, 4:14 pm

I am very tactile (touching things) sensory seeking. I just love holding something textured in my hands. It makes me so calm on the inside and everywhere. I stop stimming when i hold my special ball (a ball with long soft spikes, made of rubber) because it is so nice. I am almost addicted to it because of the feeling. And i love it when the i am on a boat and it starts shaking. If i can i lie down on the floor and take in all the sensory information.
But visual information is not soothing unless it is blue. If something is blue i can stare at if for hours and just be amazed.
Is it weird to do that?
Or does anyone else do that?

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17 Aug 2015, 12:37 pm

You just completely described me. I have a ton of sensory toys and love spiky balls.
And most everyone who knows me well irl and on forums, knows of my fascination with blue.
In addition to looking at things already blue, I like wearing these glasses and find them very soothing. (KD's original shades with either blue or turquoise lenses. Easy to find on Ebay for less than $10 a pair.)

Last edited by EzraS on 17 Aug 2015, 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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17 Aug 2015, 12:40 pm

EzraS wrote:
You just completely described me. I have a ton of sensory toys and love spiky balls.
And most everyone who knows me well irl and on forums, knows of my fascination with blue.

Wow. You seem just like me

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17 Aug 2015, 12:51 pm

There's also a WP member who's user name is "Iwannablue" (or something similar).


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17 Aug 2015, 12:59 pm

My room, watch, toothbrush, chair, most my clothes (everything I'm wearing as of typing this is blue, actually), color settings on laptop and ball I play with when on my laptop are all blue, can I join the blue appreciation club we have going on here? I love blue. Not sure if it has anything to do with eiffel 65, but it was my favorite song when I was younger.

But yes, I'm fidgeting a lot. Always really have loved the feelings of things.


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17 Aug 2015, 1:12 pm

teksla wrote:
(a ball with long soft spikes, made of rubber)

I have exactly the same thing. It's actually a dog toy, but I find it incredibly calming and interactive.

Call me Xen.
xenization (n.) - the act of traveling as a stranger.


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17 Aug 2015, 3:18 pm

My proprioception (body awareness) is lower. So constantly having my hands pushing against my body somewhere, holding things too tightly without meaning to...having speech delay.



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17 Aug 2015, 3:23 pm

Xenization wrote:
teksla wrote:
(a ball with long soft spikes, made of rubber)

I have exactly the same thing. It's actually a dog toy, but I find it incredibly calming and interactive.

Thats kind of funny since the ball i mentioned in my post is actually made for parrots (i stole it from my parrots cage simce i thought i would like it more than him)

Diagnosed with
F84.8 (PDD-NOS) 2014
F33.1 Major Depressive Disorder, recurrent, moderate.