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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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21 Apr 2008, 3:13 pm

I'm constantly compelled to walk up to and touch random objects I spot, or closely examine them, even if I'm not even remotely interested in them. This is usually when I'm lost in thought and something I do subconsiously. I'm also compelled to touch things that I pass as I walk by (usually things that are repetitive, like posts in the ground) or run my finger along grooves in a wall as I pass? Do any aspies do this or am I just weird?


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21 Apr 2008, 3:29 pm

I run my fingers along things like that. No idea if it has to do with AS or not.

My guess is it has to do with stimming/fending off boredom.

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21 Apr 2008, 3:31 pm

it sounds more like OCD than average AS. you should do some research on it if you want to know for sure

Snowy Owl
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21 Apr 2008, 3:36 pm

nomadic28 wrote:
I'm constantly compelled to walk up to and touch random objects I spot, or closely examine them, even if I'm not even remotely interested in them. This is usually when I'm lost in thought and something I do subconsiously. I'm also compelled to touch things that I pass as I walk by (usually things that are repetitive, like posts in the ground) or run my finger along grooves in a wall as I pass? Do any aspies do this or am I just weird?
This has seemed to happen to me also. In 2nd grade I always picked off these little plaster "bumps" on the walls.
..Dunno why.


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21 Apr 2008, 3:53 pm

Wow I used to think those kinds of things were normal, until in the 7th grade, someone walked up to me with a wierd look on her face and asked me why I was touching the wall. :oops:
But I often feel compelled to pick at bumps on the wall in my bedroom, or to run my nails along the lockers at school as I am walking down the hallway. I like the clicking noise it makes when my nails hit the cracks in between each locker.

21 Apr 2008, 4:05 pm

I did this more when I was a kid but now I don't do it that much. Sometimes it get me in trouble. One time when I was seven, I was in PE with my home room class and we were all sitting in a circle and the teacher was talking. Right after he sent this little boy from my special ed class back to our classroom because he had gotten up and moved to another spot, he sent me back to class too just because I touched the tape that was peeling off the floor. I think that was silly. So I touched the tape, big deal. I don't see what is so bad about that. It's not like I was pulling the tape off the floor. Now that be the reason to send me back to class.

But I can remember I was going to music one day with my class and as we were walking there, I was licking the brick wall as I walked by and this girl in my class saw it and said "Ew Beth" and then she told our teacher I was licking the wall and she told me to stop. I can understand why she tell me to stop and why it was a big deal. It was unsanitary.


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21 Apr 2008, 4:05 pm

Whenever I'm intensely curious or absorbed in something I just call it an "Edward Scissorhands moment."

And by the way, eating eggshell is absolutely revolting.


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21 Apr 2008, 4:12 pm

I've noticed autistics doing this, yes. My son does it as well. He runs his hands along things. It may be a sensory thing--not sure. Maybe they need to maintain a sense of balance, or it keeps them grounded physically to the material world.



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21 Apr 2008, 4:39 pm

I am constantly running my hands along the wall, or picking at bumps in the paint on smooth walls, or crushing those little bumps in the textured ceilings (our stairs run right down by them, so I can reach some). I'm not sure why; I have never really thought about it before. But this is fairly constant.
Sometimes I don't limit it to my hands - when I'm alone, I'll sometimes walk along leaning against the wall with my shoulder or arm.


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21 Apr 2008, 4:46 pm

Well now that you mentioned it, I guess I do the same thing. I just have never noticed it before. I don't know why exactly.....stimming? I too touch objects espeacially in public places randomly. When I do it, I really don't think about it or the object.

I don't know if this is off topic, but I also have to have an animal around to pet or I feel like I'll go crazy. It soothes me espeacially when I'm anxious and maybe I'm an animal lover? :cat:

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21 Apr 2008, 5:13 pm

Touching walls. I do it too! running hands along fences.

According to something i just read today it is a sensory thing related to ASD's.

it is on page 11 here

21 Apr 2008, 5:15 pm

I like smelling books and paper and I like pressing my nose against the wall and elevator doors.


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21 Apr 2008, 10:40 pm

I do this as well, and I believe it has to do with AS. I sometimes feel the need to touch or poke something. Today I was walking back to the library and I touched the wall in the middle of each tile just because I was bored.

21 Apr 2008, 10:47 pm

I used to poke holes in the package in the meat section in super markets when I was little. I found it fun but my mother didn't like it. She always told me to stop. Also the fact I learned when you do it, they can't sell the food anymore, so they have to take it out and they lose money.


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17 Aug 2015, 2:41 pm

Sometimes when I'm walking next to a railing I make my fingers "run" alongside me on the rail, and jump over whatever obstacles are in their way. It's kind of like playing a video game. I know it must look weird to other people but that's just another reason why I do it. :)


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17 Aug 2015, 3:46 pm

I think this is a form of sensory-seeking behavior. Lots of aspies and young NTs do it.

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