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19 Aug 2015, 5:57 pm

I am a black aspergian, and I was wondering if there are any aspies like me. I read online that black aspies are a myth? I will get the link up to the website soon.

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19 Aug 2015, 6:05 pm

Well, what you read was a myth. AS is not discriminatory based on race, in the same way it's not discriminatory based on financial status.

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19 Aug 2015, 6:08 pm

A "black Aspie" is not a rare thing at all.

There are quite a few on this Site. I actually "seen" at least twenty.


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19 Aug 2015, 6:42 pm

You are proposing to provide a link to misinformation on the web?
Who ever heard of such a thing!

The only people who seriously entertain this belief that I have come across are from one of two groups.

1) Anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists.
They have spun up the idea that large immigrant communities from Africa had no autism but then came to the US, got vaccinated and suddenly have autism. In order to craft plausible sounding theories, these nutters deny that autism exists, for example, in the Sudan. A few Google searches easily show that they are wrong, but how can we be sure that those autism centers and research studies are not fakes put up by the medical-industrial-pharmaceutical-psychiatric complex and its horde of lying minions, hmmm? ... wanted=all ... abikir.pdf ... 486&type=3

2)Neanderthal origin true believers
The earnestly sincere theorists of a Neanderthal origin of autism can't accept African autism, particularly subsaharan autism. Some of them have put a truly remarkable amount of time and energy into constructing the web of vague inference, half-truth and suggestion that can be forced into the semblance of support for this theory but the reality of African autism threatens all that, so they reject it emphatically. The evidence is there for them to find, but they can't abide the thought, so they deny. They will claim, with no evidence to back the position, that the only subsaharan Africans with ASDs are partly Arab or partly European, because they no there is no Neanderthal DNA in the pure Homo Sapiens peoples of Africa: ... -in-africa ... igeria.asp

If you approach them with facts that indicate errors in their cherished beliefs, they will great you with all the enthusiasm that the Holy Church of Rome once mustered to greet Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno.


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19 Aug 2015, 6:57 pm

Adamantium wrote:
If you approach them with facts that indicate errors in their cherished beliefs, they will greet you with all the enthusiasm that the Holy Church of Rome once mustered to greet Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno.

Excellent metaphor. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Call me Xen.
xenization (n.) - the act of traveling as a stranger.

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19 Aug 2015, 7:02 pm

As usual Adamantium is on point. There are black aspies. There are more of you than you realize.

It is a sad fact that far too many black kids are stuck in crappy school districts where the teachers and support staff treat bad behavior as "black behavior" and ignore symptoms of ASD because of mostly racial prejudice, and sometimes just laziness.

Obviously you didn't need me to point that out but I just wanted to know you aren't as alone as you feel. The real myth is that "black aspies are a myth" and you shouldn't let someone else's need to be right stop you from being able to improve your life.


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19 Aug 2015, 7:23 pm

Adamantium wrote:
You are proposing to provide a link to misinformation on the web?
Who ever heard of such a thing!

Providing the link would provide an opportunity for critical review... ;)


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19 Aug 2015, 7:31 pm

I went to high school with at least two people who were black, and who would probably be seen as bein Aspie today. The school had only 110 students. This was during the 1970s.


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19 Aug 2015, 7:35 pm

Xenization wrote:
Adamantium wrote:
If you approach them with facts that indicate errors in their cherished beliefs, they will greet you with all the enthusiasm that the Holy Church of Rome once mustered to greet Galileo Galilei and Giordano Bruno.

Excellent metaphor. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Self serving emotionalists...
Hate them...
Hate them rooly badly... :mrgreen:

I was intellectually derailed by emotionalistic neurotypicals very early in my formative years...
Scuttled my philosophical development literally for a million years...
Well, actually, more like decades... :mrgreen:

A wise man once said:
"You can't reasons with an unreasonable person..."
That wise man was me... :mrgreen:

I hadn't given any thought about race based exclusion of autism...
Glad to see the "myth" has been myth-busted... :wink:


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19 Aug 2015, 7:36 pm

Thanks for all the comments, I'll be sure to review this kind of stuff in the future.

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20 Aug 2015, 2:28 am

As far as diagnosis go; black autistics are a large minority among the spectrum, but a myth is an exaggeration.

Just as most non-scientific claims about the prevalence of ASDs, don't trust the numbers. many of us (mostly aspergians) are good at hiding their condition. many sources claim around 1/50 ASD, while the real number is a lot closer to 1/20, but most remain undiagnosed. some by choice, some due to inexperience of the practitioners


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20 Aug 2015, 10:12 am

Black autistics are underdiagnosed, but do exist.

African-American kids are often not able to get proper assessments, or are assessed by people who have stereotypical ideas of blacks, especially black males. The stereotype is black boys having ADHD and ODD, not autism (a child version of the stereotype of black criminals, since ADHD+ODD is considered pre-delinquent). So they might not look deeply into the reason the kid is having meltdowns and just assume they're ODD.

As for Africans, many countries in Africa have very little money to spare on any kind of assessment or services for disabled kids. You can barely even get cleft lip repair in many places, much less an autism diagnosis. Only a few African countries (such as South Africa) have a decent health care system. Even in South Africa, despite ending apartheid, whites are still often more prosperous and have more resources than blacks.


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20 Aug 2015, 10:18 am

I think this guy is black and I am an Aspie who is of same/similar alignment to him regarding this subject...

...this is evidence right here that black-aspies are real, also, I am a Conspiracy-Theorist ! ;)

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