Who has special interest of dietician / nutritionalist ?

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22 Aug 2015, 12:18 am

And would you be willing to help me with some diet coaching?
My insurance denied my referral to a nutritionalist.
I want to lower my cholesterol.


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22 Aug 2015, 1:41 am

I could, but as the despised commenter(dietician) that I am, it's up to you.
You'll go for the mediteranean diet, oil instead of hardened fats, lots of vegetables, fruits, etc.

Your luck you didn't got a dietician as they're educated by big-food.
And you certainly don't need any diet-products from your supermarket where fat is replaced by sugar or viceversa.


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23 Aug 2015, 2:10 pm

Last night I was researching side effects of my medications and found that two of them cause raised cholesterol. My doc did not tell me this, so it's upsetting. They are the vitamin D supplement and Prozac.

This is what I found online:

"Vitamin D. I love this antioxidant, but some people are overdoing it. Excessive D can cause excessive calcium in the blood, and this can cause hypercholesterolemia."

"Summary: High cholesterol is found among people who take Prozac, especially for people who are 40-49 old, have been taking the drug for 2 - 5 years, also take medication Seroquel, and have Depression. We study 39,105 people who have side effects while taking Prozac from FDA and social media. Among them, 985 have High cholesterol."

I wonder how many other people's doctors have failed to tell them about this side effect of these meds.
I'm sure a lot of us here are taking both vitamin D and Prozac.


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24 Aug 2015, 10:38 am

Olive oil and Omega-3 fish oil. Also, the whole idea of eating a Mediterranean diet is good. I eat a lot of tomatoes ( high in anti-oxidants ) and I cook my vegetables only until they are warmed through. Also, I hardly ever eat meat like an entree, but rather I usually use it more like a seasoning in dishes. And if you eat eggs, try to get either home-laid or free range eggs, as they are usually 30% lower in cholesterol.

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.

Blue Jay
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24 Aug 2015, 1:31 pm

First things first - what is known about cholesterol is mostly based on associations and not causal factors. The fact that we are made to think that high LDL cholesterol leads to disease is a flaw of human nature, where people instinctively try to see connections even if they are not there.

Example: we eat food => blood sugar rises and poses a risk => body releases insulin => insulin clears sugar out of blood
Conclusion: high insulin levels are normal and healthy, normal part of digestion and low insulin is abnormal
Possible real explanation: as blood sugar threatens our life, insulin release is an emergency mechanism pushing blood sugar into cells to get utilised first, taking priority before all other digestive purposes

Example: we eat junk food => cholesterol rises AND we develop a disease
Conclusion: high blood cholesterol LEADS to a disease
Possible real explanation: by all means high LDL cholesterol has only been proven to be ASSOCIATED with disease. So it is equally possible that body raises its own cholesterol levels to protect itself against harmful or deficient diet.

Moreover, dietary cholesterol is not blood cholesterol. Blood cholesterol is produced by our bodies - and most often in a response to our diet lacking cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol is a very important nutrient, used by the body to produce steroid hormones, vitamin D and even maintain cell structure. The best intervention to lower your blood cholesterol is to eat more dietary cholesterol.

Regarding why Vitamin D supplementation rises blood cholesterol: vitamin D is naturally synthesised in the skin from cholesterol and sunlight. If your body is saturated with artificial vitamin D, then you will end up with a lot of free cholesterol that is not used in that process. The best intervention in that case, is to get more sunlight.

It is true that Mediterranean diet lowers cholesterol. As is true that mediterrean diet is heavy on fats, oils and omega 3.

It is true that Omega 3 has protective effect, against many diseases and it has the ability to stabilise and balance many harmful processes in the body. The evidence for it is huge, wide and strong. Our ancestors or even modern Eskimo people ate only high-saturated fat food and only that. The mystery why they have no heart disease lies in the Omega-3 content of their food - although they have plague developed in their arteries, Omega-3 prevents inflammation and so it does not bother them at all.

Now the right question would be what is your reason / motivation for lowering cholesterol?