This is about a long forgetten memory that I just rememered...
There is a scene in "Mozart and the Whale" where the female lead in the story, Isabelle, is explaining how overly literal she can sometimes interpret things. In the story she relays an event that happened in her childhood where she went outside with a box of her parents records and began smashing them after overheraing people in her house talk about how impressive it is that someone "had broken a record." She decides to break a whole box of them to make them extra proud of her.
Well, I remembered this old memory I had where I took something literally.
I grew up a very curious child, always asking 40 questions about everything. I always wanted to know how everything was done. I was in the kitchen with my oldest brother sometime back in the late 70's. I was just about 6 or 7 years old and my oldest brother was making himself a sandwich. Another abg of bread was old and moldy and I remember my brother fussing over it because someone didn't close the bread up. I asked him what happened to the bread and he told me it had became moldy. Not knowing much about mold I pressed him further.
"Why did the bread mold?" I asked.
"Because someone didn't close the bag and mold started togrow on the bread."
"What makes mold grow on stuff?"
"Air. Mold only grows in the open air. If someone would have closed the bag up, it would have atken much longer for the mold to grow. So, close the bag up and mold won't get to it." (of course he know mold would still grow even if the bag were closed up but all a kid my age needed to know was to close the damn bag up!)
So from that day forward, I felt that if I squished all the air out of the bag of sandwich bread, no mold would grow in it. So I would spend a few extra seconds getting all the air out of the bag, twisting the bag up and redoing the tie tightly. And I kept doing this without thinking until only a few years ago. And in all that time, in my mind, air made mold grow so I always had to squeeze all the air out of the sandwich bag to make sure everything was tidy and nice. All those years without thinking. Air = bad. Freshness = good. Freshness = tightly closed bag.
So me literally sqashing all the air out of a sandwich bread bag was my breaking a box full of records.