At least you're 'facing' up to your problems! lol
Harvard runs the site I posted, they want to study people who have face blindness. They may even bring you to Boston or London England expenses paid!
I don't think you have to be so bad you don't recognize your own parents to have "true" face blindness. It seems, like Asperger's, to be a sliding scale thing!
I find it very frustrating. It can be hard following movies or T.V. shows, because you mix up the charators. Also, I often feel like an ass or "stupid" when I don't recognize or mix up famous people. I get ridiculed a lot by my family for this. Maybe knowing it is a "real" condition will make them back off.
I run into people all the time, who I don't recognise even though I should. People come up to me and start talking to me, and I have NOT IDEA who they are, but they know me very well!
One of the funniest things is, some people can find out that two aquantences they have, are actually just one person!

YOu know, I know this woman at the school I pick my child up from, and a lady at the pool who has her child in swim lessons with my child. I don't connect, they are the same person!
I am so bad, I have a very very very hard time spotting my son in the pool! I have spent whole swim lessons, watching the wrong person!
I also can't tell someones nationality. It can be really embarassing, as sometimes I suffer from foot in mouth disease! At my daughters school, I saw two ladies, talking to eachother in Portugese or Spanish. 15 minutes later, we are all talking in English about having children. One of the ladies, who has a little baby, says, "if the war does not end soon, I'll have another". We have a lot of Iraqi refugees in our neighbourhood, so I ask her, "are you Iraqi?" Why I did this, heavens knows, I obvoiusly forgot she was talking in Spanish or Portugese earlier! She and the other woman stop and look at me like I am from Mars! She responds with "no... do I look Iraqi? NOw, I am totally and completely mortified, I appologise, and tell her that honestly, I can't tell peoples nationalities, it is just a "quirk" with me. She is still very perplexed... We talk a bit more, and I stammer ... "you said that you would have another baby if the war did not come to an end..." (I am really squirming right now) And she and her friend burst out laughing and tell me, "no, I said WORLD not WAR!" I will have another child if this WORLD does not come to an end!
That was a climbing under rock day for sure!