mild mannered missanthrope wrote:
Social motivation. I have none. I would really appreciate any ideas on how to begin wanting to interact with people?
I just really don't want to be around people or communicate at all. I recognize that being antisocial is a slippery slope that I should try not to slip too far down...but forcing myself (for years!) has been so exhausting. I am hoping to find a way to want to interact with family, friends and colleagues that will not be just about forcing myself to deduce and respond to what others want or need.
Very grateful for any help
I don't think I've ever participated in another message board that has so many posts where my first reaction is: "that's exactly like me". Anyhow...
I'm not sure I have specific advice on how to want to socially interact, but perhaps you can motivate yourself by looking at your career goals et al and realize that you may need those very social skills in order to not cut your career path short.
I also have very little urge to want to interact with others, but - like it sounds like you have concluded - I have a need to interact with others in a professional environment, otherwise I'm risking capping my career ceiling even lower than it is now. The entire time I'm in my office each week, I'm basically an actor - an actor that definitely slips up several times each week.
I know that wasn't very helpful, but I definitely appreciate where you are coming from.