Is there something I should do when another aspie is melting down?
This happened yesterday, and I think it will probably happen again sometime this year. A kid who sits next to me (actually, there's an empty seat and then him, but we're the only two at the table) is also an aspie. He's a little bit lower functioning than I am, and he has a teacher's aid. Yesterday, the aid was changing around his schedule and routine. I saw the meltdown coming from a mile away, although apparantly she didn't. Anyway, he did meltdown. It wasn't a violent one - he was just breathing really hard like he was having trouble getting air, and at one point he started to cry a little. The aid went up and got him some tissues, and then just kept going around the room (there are multiple kids in there who require her assitance, and the rest are very rowdy). She came back before he was finished and continued to change his schedule, which I think prolonged the meltdown.
So I sat there next to him and left him alone. I wanted to try and help calm him down, but I didn't know how, or if he would appreciate it. If you have had similar circumstances, how did you handle it? Or, if not, what helps bring you out of a meltdown? Are you all right with people helping you? Personally, I just want to be left alone during meltdowns, but I don't know if others do. Is there a specific thing I should have done? I'm realitvly sure the aid wasn't helping (she's a little bit odd. I'm not sure how much she understands AS. The rest of the students she has are not AS).
Thanks in advance.
"Nothing worth having is easy."
Three years!