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06 Sep 2015, 9:22 pm

I like it hot, really hot...talking about food of course. This has nothing to do with autism but since cooking is an interest of mine I'm rolling with it.

Not to brag or boast or anything but I'm literally the best dam salsa cook on this planet, just google it if you don't believe me. Just whipped up 40 jars of salsa ranging from stupid hot ghost pepper salsa to mild and sweet mango salsa, and even a smokey pablano pepper salsa.

I'm going to be selling jars of it at our local farmers market coming up towards the end of the month. Hopefully by then I'll have a good selection of unique and mouth watering flavors for those peeps to try and hopefully buy. Thanks to my new anxiety medicine I think I'll do just fine running a booth and promoting my product.

Anyone else here into canning there own salsa?


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06 Sep 2015, 9:28 pm

Not salsa specifically, but I do have a large garden so I end up canning a lot this time of year. It's not really enjoyable for me, but I gotta do it or all my labor in the garden goes to waste.


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06 Sep 2015, 9:45 pm

Aristophanes wrote:
Not salsa specifically, but I do have a large garden so I end up canning a lot this time of year. It's not really enjoyable for me, but I gotta do it or all my labor in the garden goes to waste.

Well you could just binge eat vegetables all day long during harvest season


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06 Sep 2015, 10:17 pm

That is awesome. :D Nothing is better than homemade, and I'm sure it will be a great seller!

I like unusual combos in salsa, so a spicy mango would hit the spot. :wink:


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07 Sep 2015, 7:59 am

MjrMajorMajor wrote:
That is awesome. :D Nothing is better than homemade, and I'm sure it will be a great seller!

I like unusual combos in salsa, so a spicy mango would hit the spot. :wink:

Well when I hit it big and own my own salsa brand that's on every store shelf, I'll have to brand one just for you, so keep your eye out for MjrMajor's Spicy Mango Salsa :wink:


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07 Sep 2015, 8:05 am

I like to cook, but dont see it as a prominent hobby of mine. I'm not "crazy" over it as they say. I am actually one of these kind of people who would be okay even with just an open can of sardines for dinner/night before I go to bed. Things that require cooking, like meat, eggs etc. are things I have to cook and so I have to do it with these foods. I always hated the work and effort required for cooking, especially more complicated things, like salsa etc. So I'm okay with cooking, but dont really LOVE it that much or want to do it so often, only when I have to, or when it is something that requires cooking to be consumed(like what I mentioned). :)


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07 Sep 2015, 8:12 am

I can only cook oven foods... :(

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07 Sep 2015, 8:51 am

CDFA wrote:
I like to cook, but dont see it as a prominent hobby of mine. I'm not "crazy" over it as they say. I am actually one of these kind of people who would be okay even with just an open can of sardines for dinner/night before I go to bed. Things that require cooking, like meat, eggs etc. are things I have to cook and so I have to do it with these foods. I always hated the work and effort required for cooking, especially more complicated things, like salsa etc. So I'm okay with cooking, but dont really LOVE it that much or want to do it so often, only when I have to, or when it is something that requires cooking to be consumed(like what I mentioned). :)

Lol, cooking and baking used to be one of my special interests. I could spend hours preparing the food, making sure every diced pepper was the appropriate size and every flour base was thoroughly mixed. I was super anal retentive about it, but there was a payoff, the food was really good. Anymore though, I just slap something on the stove and call it good. Cooking and especially cooking well is a lot of work and effort, something I don't think a lot of people understand-- especially if they're used to getting hot meals at a restaurant or having their SO cook for them.


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07 Sep 2015, 8:59 am

I'll be needing some. Nothing (that isn't green and frowned upon) helps my nerves more than capsaicin.

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07 Sep 2015, 9:03 am

cberg wrote:
I'll be needing some. Nothing (that isn't green and frowned upon) helps my nerves more than capsaicin.

I was starting to get hungry and here your are ruining my food fantasies with chemistry...sheesh. :(


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07 Sep 2015, 9:09 am

Bragging about one's cooking ability is f*****g sexy. I love a good cook and especially if they know how to work with spices.

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
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07 Sep 2015, 9:16 am

I'm a meat and potatoes man myself.


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07 Sep 2015, 9:16 am

CDFA wrote:
I like to cook, but dont see it as a prominent hobby of mine. I'm not "crazy" over it as they say. I am actually one of these kind of people who would be okay even with just an open can of sardines for dinner/night before I go to bed. Things that require cooking, like meat, eggs etc. are things I have to cook and so I have to do it with these foods. I always hated the work and effort required for cooking, especially more complicated things, like salsa etc. So I'm okay with cooking, but dont really LOVE it that much or want to do it so often, only when I have to, or when it is something that requires cooking to be consumed(like what I mentioned). :)

Ok literally every thing you wrote after the line " I like to cook" basically implies that your really dislike cooking...lmao


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07 Sep 2015, 9:19 am

Norny wrote:
Bragging about one's cooking ability is f*****g sexy. I love a good cook and especially if they know how to work with spices.



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07 Sep 2015, 9:21 am

cberg wrote:
I'll be needing some. Nothing (that isn't green and frowned upon) helps my nerves more than capsaicin.

Better yet a solid dose of both 8)


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07 Sep 2015, 10:31 am

Sadly I have declared myself one of the worst cook's in the world. I blame my mum for that, bad cooking genes.

kraftiekortie wrote:
I'm a meat and potatoes man myself.

Sounds like a cock 'n balls LOL

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
-chronically drunk