HolidayonIce wrote:
I'd say it involves lethargy, too, but mostly difficulty initiating or getting started on something that requires any kind of activity.
Example, staying indoors and doing not much of anything or one thing for hours and hours rather than going out and about.
Staying in bed for 10-12 hours, then in pajamas for the next 10-12 hours is the kind of inertia that worries parents. Also, sitting and staring at something for great lengths of time, almost like old folks on a park bench.
I've done those things. My boyfriend cannot understand how i can be perfectly content just staring at a wall for a great length of time. Except, sometimes i'm not content doing nothing, like when i want to do something but can't, like start my homework. Another example is over the summer when i have great lengths of unstructured time, i do the pajama thing you mentioned, and it's almost painful, or at the least confusing, to try to break that cycle and actually do something constructive or fun. And i can't explain to people y i am not doing something, or y i feel "stuck," other than "i don't feel good."
Edit: is that kind of behavior, that "being stuck" common among aspies?
"Second to the right, and straight on till morning."
- the way to Neverland