When I was very young, I refused to speak the dialect of my native language. When I turned 7, I started using English almost exclusively, then continued studying in bilingual schools. As a teenager, I moved to another country. The past decade has been hell for me...I have an aversion for this language and I choose to only speak English. I can speak the new language fluently, but it 'hurts', so people get mad at me because I speak English instead, even though they understand me perfectly.
Other languages I can't stand hearing at all. Whenever I hear Chinese, I have to cover my ears; same with Russian.
Some other languages have perfect sounds. Japanese is perfect, I could listen to it all day long, even though I don't understand it. English is second, but maybe because I've been using it as a tool to understand the world (TV series).
Does anyone else have this problem? Did you ever find a good excuse? People think I'm lazy or stubborn because I don't speak their language. I've always thought that if they can understand me, and I can understand them, what's the problem?