Actually, I do have this. As already suggested I wonder if it may be related to hemispheres and the left-hemisphere-hypothesis? Admittedly, I'm no expert in this but if this is true then it seems likely that autistics should be smiling more on the same side (statistically speaking of course). It would be interesting with a "which side of your mouth do you smile the most with?"-poll. "No difference" should probably not be an answer to prevent confirmation bias. If there are many votes and a majority on either left or right then this may be linked with autism (and the left hemisphere hypothesis). It may of course be that this is unevenly distributed in the NT-population so one should probably also carry out a similar questionaire also for NTs. One could have aswers. AS right, NT right, and so on and see if there is a very different distribution.
It's getting late. Good night.
Many traits but no official diagnosis. Certainly BAP, possibly AS.