Help! Would like some advice please - aspergers

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Sep 2015, 2:48 am

Hi There

I have an 11 year old who I believe is showing traits of aspergers. It was flagged up when he was 5 and I dismissed at the time. However, over the years these traits have become worsed and I they may have aspergers. I would like someone who suffers from aspergers or who knows a lot about this syndrome to confirm if the following traits my son is displaying is aspergers:

* he displays tics when he finds a social situation difficult or if he is very upset about something - he has three tics that come and go - sometimes they only last a few weeks sometimes for months - his tics are constantly blinking, biting is lower lip so much it becomes a big blister and sniffing when he doesnt even have a cold

* he finds it hard to make friends unless they like the two things he is obsessed with

* he prefers to play on his own then with other children

* he becomes obsessed with something he is interested in, to such an extent that is all that matters

* a complete disregard for personal hygiene - it is a constant daily battle to get him to brush his teeth as he doesn't like the feel of it on his teeth

* he takes things people say literally - for example if you said come on pull your socks up you can do better than that - he will pull his socks up - doesn't understand sarcasm

* he is highly intelligent - especially mental maths

* loves anything to do with numbers, facts, figures - memorises hundreds of facts etc

* will repeat things he said before when you walk past the same house, shop etc

* spots things other people wouldn't pick up - such has very faint noises or patterns in things

* hates squeaky noises

* things have to be done in the same way or a certain way

* he has very strong interest that if he doesn't get to do it daily gets very upset about it

* he talks at people - very difficult to get a word in edgewise

* he can't tell if someone is getting bored of listening to him

* hates surprises (ok at christmas but if you say we are going someone nice today its a surprise he hates it)

there are other things but would be really appreciative if someone could get back to me


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19 Sep 2015, 3:37 am

Does sound like he displays a lot of the traits. I'd say it's worth getting him tested for it. None of us can say for sure whether he does or doesn't have it though. You can probably find advice on how to go about getting him tested in this section:



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19 Sep 2015, 3:50 am

sounds like aspergers to me honestly.
for me, it was first mentioned by my pediatrician when I was 4, I was diagnosed at 8, and I exhibited most of the traits you just described in your son.

idk if this is worrying you or not, but in case it is, do not be worried about his future because he has a different type of cognition or aspergers. I am almost graduated from university and hold 2 part time jobs, and it is totally possible for children with different ways of thinking to work things out in their own way. it seems like your son is very intelligent too. my parents were really supportive and patient with me, and I think that helped tremendously. I wish the best for your son and you as well :)


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19 Sep 2015, 4:06 am

Yeah, does sound as though he's incredibly bright especially at maths . With the right help, if he does have Asperger's, he could really thrive and go to university and do maths, if he's still interested in several years - far too early to say though. If he's just changed schools (I'm guessing, because he's 11, that he's changed schools but correct me if I'm wrong) that could be the reason why his traits have increased - a change like that can be stressful for anyone, but those of us with Asperger's have a much harder time with changes. But if it is Asperger's and if he's diagnosed then he could get help with that.


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19 Sep 2015, 4:28 am

Yes does sound like a lot of the traits. Everyone is different, even if someone is diagnosed with Aspergers, the diagnosis does not define them. Has the list of things you described been more noticble recently, and were you wanting to push it out of your mind when he was five?

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19 Sep 2015, 4:46 am

Sounds like the shoe fits to me.

Fits quite well actually. I was a lot like that at his age in a number of ways.

Definitely have him checked out for the official diagnostic test.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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19 Sep 2015, 10:58 am

Hi all

Thank you so much for all your replies. To answer one of your questions yes he has just started secondary school which has caused these traits to flare up more so than normal. What is the process of getting a diagnosis? Who do I approach first, in from the uk so will it be my gp? Many thanks


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19 Sep 2015, 11:04 am

GP is the first step. If you feel you need to see more than one GP then do, as they are not all equal in how effective they are. Seeing a GP is probably best though before you think about anything else.

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19 Sep 2015, 12:07 pm

The NAS has a page on this, I hope you find it useful (assuming you're in the UK? It's similar worldwide though):