Anger angers me.
In my life it came from other people. They would just start in on me. Annoy, annoy, annoy, and then when you get angry, they say I was just talking and he went off.
What worked for me is I am polite, which I think was the root of the problem, from the way I spoke they did not think I had a range, it was a cheap shot, like people who threaten children.
Now I am polite until I dont like something they said, then I come out a little pissed, if they keep trying I get more pissed with each exchange. I am not angry, I am pissing on them. They react by getting angry, then I turn cold, and start asking what is the matter with you? If they were going to walk up and hit me, that's what they would have done, but they are running their mouths, now louder, and people are looking at them. Some have gotten so upset I have suggested anger management therapy,
Now they really come unglued, I am being so reasonable and understanding, and trying to calm a raving nut case. It works great.
They started it, I did not do anything, and since most are bluffing, they are really stuck.
Aspies can become talented bullies.
I should start a school.