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20 Sep 2015, 9:38 am

I feel like this is something I am struggling with in my life. I feel I am very closed minded. I hate change. I only want to do the things that interest me, but even that becomes boring to me, but I still don't really want to open my mind to any other possibilities. I can be very narrow minded, I'll constantly think about my current obsessions and interests without paying much attention to anything else around me.
I hate seeing things on the news and I don't keep up with current events in the world, I just don't really care about that stuff as it doesn't have much to do with me and with what I'm interested in.
I am very picky about everything that I watch, read and do. I can't just watch any movie, read any book, or participate in any activity. It has to be something that caters to my interests, which again are very narrow.
I'm beginning to wish that I wasn't like this, that I'd open my mind to new possibilities and ideas. I feel I am very stuck in my ways. I've been this way for as long as I can remember. I don't know if this is a bad thing but I am starting to think that maybe it is. I feel like this closed mindedness is causing me to miss out on a lot in the world. That I'm just stuck in my own little bubble where everything is growing stale and I'm not sure how to break out of it.

Does anyone else feel this way? Is it an Aspie thing? Or do NT's get this way too?
Does anyone have any tips on how to be more opened minded?



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20 Sep 2015, 10:24 am

Actually, I'm fairly open-minded. I am interested in the world around me, and I'm interested in other peoples' points of view. While there seems to be a number of close-minded people on this website, I don't think it's much higher than in the NT world. There's a lot of closed(narrow) minded people in this world.

When everyone is losing their heads except you, maybe you don't understand the situation.


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20 Sep 2015, 10:39 am

Huh? I thought NTs were the closed-minded ones, and so many members here have described NTs.



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20 Sep 2015, 11:37 am

My mind is open enough to consider new ideas in light of the evidence that allegedly supports them.

My mind is closed enough to be critical of faith-based claims, claims that rely on emotion-based hyperbole ("hype"), and claims for which there is no valid empirical evidence.

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20 Sep 2015, 12:47 pm



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20 Sep 2015, 12:58 pm

I feel like this is something I am struggling with in my life. I feel I am very closed minded. I hate change. I only want to do the things that interest me, but even that becomes boring to me, but I still don't really want to open my mind to any other possibilities. I can be very narrow minded, I'll constantly think about my current obsessions and interests without paying much attention to anything else around me.

Close-minded means not open to new ideas or arguments. It doesn't have much, if anything, to do with having narrow interests or enjoying routine. You can be a creature of habit and also be open-minded. :)


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20 Sep 2015, 1:08 pm

I'm not closed minded, and nothing you can say can change my mind.

On a serious note, closed mindedness can harm your mental health - it can prevent you from experiencing things that are necessary to function in society, and basically be a happy person. I think only you can find out how to open your own mind, but you could force yourself (of have someone you know force you) to do something completely different to see if you like any aspects of it. I would have suggested slowly stepping outside your sphere of activities, but sometimes you need a shock. If it is nothing like what you have done before, then it isn't change, is it? It's new. Change is the transition from one state to another, so skip change and just say "that was how I was before, this is how I am now".

Of course, it's not possible to change yourself overnight, but if you think of it like that, it may help. It might not. As I said, only you know yourself. However, by seeing yourself as closed minded, you may now have the motivation to open yourself up.


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20 Sep 2015, 1:16 pm

I'm quite open-minded, but firmly of the position that there is such a thing as being so open-minded that your brain falls out.

I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.

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Tufted Titmouse

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20 Sep 2015, 1:47 pm



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20 Sep 2015, 1:52 pm



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20 Sep 2015, 2:11 pm

I don't embrace change very well, unless it's making a change that will enhance my enjoyment of established interests, with technology upgrade being a good example.
I do crave news though and like to stay on top of currant events, despite most NT's I know considering me very cynical and antisocial (as in anti-society, not anti-interactive) in much of my general attitudes.
I don't believe I've ever become bored as a result of being "stuck in my ways".
Overall I would consider myself narrow minded, but not compleatly closed.
In addition I've met a number of NT Leos (my birth sign) that seem to be a lot like this.

"Small talk is for small minds."

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20 Sep 2015, 3:59 pm

I consider myself open minded but people around me say I am closed minded.

I am open to new ideas, I take my time to understand them before I make a decision and I accept different point of view but I have my own ways which I stick to unless I am proven wrong. I think everyone has right to follow their own ideas and accept ideas of someone else if they feel like it but noone is allowed to force anyone and if someone doesn't agree with something it doesn't mean he is "closed minded". It simply means he doesn't think the idea is good for himself. He might still accept others following the idea and understand the idea, just won't follow it as he doesn't consider the idea good for his own life.

Forcing someone to follow your idea is actually being closed-minded and not understanding other point of view.
Sticking to your ways without thinking about other ideas is closed-mindness too.
Same with blindly accepting other ideas without giving it any though, just to show how "open-minded" you are.

Understanding other ideas and making your own choice to follow them or not is the actual open mindness no matter what choice you end up making.

I took a test: ... lt/1vz801/
Apparently I am 88% open minded. The % I lost are due to refusing to wear clothes that are not my usual style. The hell I could - I feel sick if I don't have my red-black "uniform" on me. It's not a matter of preferences. It's like a physical need. I could accept anyone wearing any clothes they like (I don't even mind guys in skirts) but personally I need to have something red on me for emotional comfort and if someone suggest me wearing something in different color I will laugh in their face because the idea is as absurd as asking me to paint grass pink.


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20 Sep 2015, 6:38 pm

I love routine & predictability but I'm not really closed minded

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

"Hear all, trust nothing"
~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190 ... cquisition


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20 Sep 2015, 6:53 pm

According to the quiz, I'm 48% open minded. Makes sense, since I'm a damn hard-headed, stubborn as a Missouri Mule, Pennsylvania German (or Dutch, if you prefer), even though the plain folk (Amish and Mennonites) tell me I'm English, rather than deutsch.

Besides, there are quite a few issues I refuse to budge on, namely religion, work ethic, and politics.


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20 Sep 2015, 10:25 pm

I like learning. That makes me open minded.
I'm highly critical. That makes me more close-minded.
I like to think that I am open to learning about new ideas, but I am cautious about accepting them until I have more time to assess them.
I also tend to re-evaluate often the ideas that I do hold and am willing to drop them if I find them to be invalid/worthless.
I like discussions and don't mind disagreements of ideas, as long as the other person also doesn't mind.
I learn by listening to other viewpoints.
Sometimes, I learn I'm wrong.
Sometimes, I learn that I still believe I am right.


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20 Sep 2015, 10:28 pm

I'm pretty open minded. I listen to the new ideas of others and usually give them a try. It's just not that often that these new ideas stick to my paradigm. I know what I like.