Marybird wrote:
I try to shop early on week days, when the shops aren't crowded.
The grocery carts are always blocking the isles making it hard to get around.
Some stores advise checkers to make small talk with people and that can be very awkward.
One of the worst questions I ever got from a checker was "how are you recovering from the holidays?".
First of all, she assumed I was recovering from something, and "how are you recovering" didn't make much sense to me. "how" as in what was I doing to recover, or "how" as in good or bad?
I really didn't know what to reply to that.
Another awkward question was "read any good books lately?".
I'm at a checkout station and the checker wants to start a conversation about literature?
How much information did they want?
Again I didn't know what to say. I suppose a simple "yes" to "no" would have been good enough.
I like questions with stock answers like "how are you?" "fine thanks".
It would be the last time those store clerks ever attempted to make "small talk" with me...
My insensitive and unassertive responses would be,
1.They: "How are you recovering from the hollidays"...
Me: "I thought the purpose of hollidays was to recover from the bullsh!t of life the rest of the year?"
2.They: "Read any good books lately"...
Me: "I don't need to read others' fiction, I have my own vivid imagination and can create better stories than I can buy."
3.They: "How are you"...
Me: "Way too busy to make small talk."
"Small talk is for small minds."
Neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 125 of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 93 of 200
Total score-161.0 Language-18.0 Social relatedness-69.0 Sensory/motor-39.0