UnturnedStone wrote:
My memory is shocking.
If something is not in it's usual place, I can forget where it is, even if I just had it moments ago.
I forget dates all the time.
I have been driving the same route to pick up my kids for the last 6 months and can just now do it without the GPS as I discovered a pattern in the route.
I can't remember what I had for dinner last night without really thinking about it.
I forget names as soon as I'm told.
I forget how to spell words I should know, and sometimes even semi forget which way around a letter goes.
I cope by using my phone as my memory. Calendar, Google Keep (notepad) and Camera / Gallery are my best friends.
Yet I know 5 programming languages, and have 1000's of functions memorized, I can code for hours without reference, I can remember cheat codes for games 20+ years old...
I have similar problems. For example, I've lived in the same town for ages and when I am not driving the car- my brain zones out and I have NO memory of how to get from A to B, my family says it's because I'm not "trying" enough. Also, I can't remember names- I SUCK AT NAMES!! ! I also have a kind of hard time recognizing people when I first see them- like it takes quite awhile, like there is a lag and it is noticeable... So encountering people is... haha, like a double fisted whammy of: "omg, what is socially expected/appropriate?" and "do I know this person? Who is this person... ?"
However, I am great at memorizing scripts, plays, books, formulae, concepts (if they interest me) pictures, maps, particular numbers/important sequences etc.
It feels like in a way all my strengths are weaknesses! My navigation sucks, but if I can construct a mini google maps in my brain (it has to be a map or else I get lost landmarks barely work for me) I do so with very high validity and great recollection. I can speak a variety of languages...or used to now I'm starting to get a bit rusty! lol
So, LTM is good STM is scarrily horrific/bad/I'm surprised I get anything done in a day. Lists are helpful!