The human condition overall (not separating NT from OTS) is a puzzle as it is. Even completely "normal" reactions among non-special needs people can be mind-boggling and fascinating, so much so that many thousands of researchers over many centuries have made a study of the perplexities of them, going all the way back to the ancient Greeks at the very least as far as written history can determine.
I have seen a lot of "is this an ASD trait?"-style questions on here lately and sometimes I wonder whether we aren't trying to separate ourselves more from the general population; have our own place in this already-confusing world, as it were.
For instance, "do Aspies look like this" (big foreheads, large mouth, certain specific look to the eyes were just a few of the theories put forth...none of which I have myself, by the way, LOL...though I'm a sample size of exactly one) and "do Aspies have different hair than NTs..." and so on. I feel these are partly just what people feel they have observed, partly scientific curiosity, and partly a need to stand up and have an identity and a place in the world. They may also in some cases be people attempting to find concrete "evidence" that they are "really" OTS (hence different from NTs) in the face of others constantly questioning, as well as preconceived notions about autism, etc. I don't think they're questions that shouldn't be asked or that they're silly or anything, but I do question when people seem to think every little thing must be specifically either an NT or ASD trait when in fact, it's just a human trait (whether it's a physical one or emotional or behavioral or whatever).
This is a weird time in history for people OTS because for the first time we have been identified at all (unless we're very very low-functioning, in which case we probably were DXd at least with something or other, accurate or not, in our past), and are attempting to be accepted as we are, the way we are. I feel like "separating ourselves out" is just part of a collection of "growing pains" as we attempt to see ourselves in a positive light rather than being "damaged" in some way and as we attempt to figure out just where we fit in, and with whom.
Last edited by NowhereWoman on 25 Oct 2015, 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.