According to This CNN Article, 13% of children who were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders lose their diagnosis after later tests.
Researchers say some children who are given the autism label may in fact be struggling with other challenges, such as developmental delays or attention issues. ...
Part of the rise may be due to people who are NOT appropriately-trained mental-health professionals giving false diagnoses.
The authors say some reversals may be due to the way children are screened. Pediatricians are encouraged to use developmental screening tests with all children regardless of any signs a child has a problem. Having a nonspecialist diagnose a child may be adding to the increase in numbers ...
Bad news for the self-diagnosed, perhaps; but good news for those who really have an ASD.
More research will be needed to determine if over-diagnosis has become more common, but the work does show that a child's diagnosis can sometimes change as the children get older and doctors learn more about the child.
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