Hm, let's see here..
Sometimes my sense of smell just goes away completely and I don't notice until one day I smell something and realize I haven't smelled anything for awhile.
Taste is ... just.. what it is. Nothing notable about it.
My eyesight has always been better than 20/20 until recently, and now I have glaucoma (number one cause of irreversible blindness, has no cure) so it's slowly going to decline- so it's not my "strongest" sense if it's declining.
Touch... well yeah I hate it when people touch me and certain things bother me to touch them but I rarely overload or meltdown from it as compared to sounds, so I can't call this one my strongest sense either.
Yep, it's just as I suspected - my hearing is my strongest AND most troublesome sense. My meltdowns are more likely to be triggered by sound than anything else. It's also my greatest pleasure-sense.
When I was diagnosed with glaucoma and found out that there is no cure and treatments only last a short time each, I had to come to terms with the idea that I'm only 42 now and if I live into my 80s I will almost certainly be blind for a good part o my life. The first thing that I said to myself, and to others, was "it's okay, at least I will still have music".
I stand by that sentiment even now, with one eye already having a bad spot right in the center of my vision. Diagnosed just 14 months ago and one eye already has central vision impairment - but not from glaucoma - I got optic neuritis over the summer. I'm destined to lose my sight seems like. nothing to do but accept it. Its pretty neat that one of my special interests has ALWAYS been music, and specifically is a particular musical artist. It gives me something to stay positive about in that regard.
I do worry about there not being any way for me to really use my computer once I can't see though. I can't imagine sitting down and reaching forward and tapping a key on the keyboard to wake it up, and then being able to actually accomplish anything with it even if it speaks to me. And that would really annoy the rest of the family if I had to sit here and talk to the computer and have it talk back all day and night (computers is another one of my special interests, and life without internet would hardly be worth living. True story.). well anyway sorry for the off-topic.
( Living in Parentheses ) - female aspie, diagnosed at 42 ~
BAP: 132 aloof, 121 rigid, 84 pragmatic // Cambridge Face Memory Test: 62% // AQ: 39