I don't think that all people here are really realistic about ASD's.
I am the way I am, I am ok with that. My son is the way I am, I am ok with that. It is very hard to adjust, and cope, and I worry about him like crazy, but at the end of the day, I expect he is going to be ok.
At the end of the day, I think that Aspies add a special flavour to the human race. We perfect crafts, invent new things, lurch humanity forward! This is a great thing.
I am extremely concerned at the idea of genetic research that looks for genes to use for screening, so that mothers can terminate their ASD pregnancies! That is horrible, and I am not talking pro life / pro choice, just that the idea of breeding a super race scares the pants off of me.
However, I know a mom who has a son who is LFA, all he can do is sit on a bouncy ball, screeching and spinning a thomas wheel. He is 15. He is almost toilet trained, but frequently walks around with a dirty bum and his pants down at his ankles. He will always need assisted living. He developed perfectly normally until a year old. He walked at 10 months! So he is not low IQ, just extremely lost to this world.
What if the reason he regressed so sevearly, was a simple matter of some enzyme or hormone not being produced, and suplamenting it would have halted or prevented this deterioration? Surely you would not want to prevent such a discovery so that such children could live normal or more normal lives?
My son wants to be a piliot. Because of the Aspergers, chances are he never will be. If I could have given him some supplament to prevent neurological harm to him, why would I not have?
The employment rates for those with any ASD are low. People with ASDs are often depressed, they are often abused by non understanding parents. They often feel the resentment that society and their families have for them, regarding them as cow bird eggs, planted in unsuspecting foster parent nests.
With education, quality of life for those with ASD's should improve. With therapies, life long outcomes should improve. People with ASD's deserve to live, and have value and meaning to their lives. However if you could prevent the regression and neurological damage of ASD's, with some sort of hormone or enzyme supplament, why wouldn't you?