TheMachine1 wrote:
Gays maybe out number people on the spectrum 10 to 1 and you can see what luck they have had with getting gay marriage legal in the US. Socio-economically gays tend to be better off than the average American and aspies likely tend to be worst off. So it all amounts to people collectively on the spectrum do not have much power.
This is all true, but also by fighting for what they want and making it a public issue they have gained more understanding and acceptance from the public, so now they have more "safe zones" where they don't have to be afraid.
But I think our issue is more closley related to the movement for rights for people with physical disabilities. 20 or 30 years ago you didn't see as many wheelchair ramps, and handicap accessible restrooms, and there wasn't as much public awareness of the issue. People in wheelchairs deserve respect and so do we.
In both cases the groups made gains by fighting for them.