i am late dx, and was told i had a pd previously.
i thought for some time that i may have been sexually abused in chlidhood, and my gp agreed, though i have not seen a psychologist for ages, so have never told one.
some of my reactions and preferences seemed so abnormal, that this seemed to be the only explanation.
i thought i had all the traits- hate being touched, problem with relationships, weird attitudes to sex (its functional, rather than loving), hate being around other people, perfer my own company, cant share a bed with someone etc etc. (obviously its not a conclusion i came to over night- i thought about it for several years before saying anything,a nd im missing out a lot).
a hatred, almost fear of being touched, was the worst thing, and was always being commented on, especially by my mother who was always upset i hated being hugged (fair enough- it must be terrible to love your daughter and not be able to hug her).
chlid sex abuse is also somewhat common amoungst pds. and obviously, if its in early chlidhood, one does not remember it, is just left with residual 'odd' reactions- touch, attitudes etc.
i have to say i dont really think this any more, as aspergers explains all this- hate being around other people, hate being touched, weird attitude to sex etc- all common in aspies.
but has anyone else had these thoughts?
obviously its not a nice thing to have thought, and is another cause for anger against the dr's who never diagnosed me with aspergers, and the gp who said that ' hatred of light touch is abnormal, a symptom of child sex abuse'.
and its pretty miserable either way- spending 10 years thinking that had happened, having noone to speak to about it, wonder who it had been, now thinkig it was a chimera. . . now i have the gulit of thinking this. . .
anyone else?