Poll: Is it worth being fat and happy or skinny & miserable?

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Sea Gull
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01 Dec 2015, 2:52 am

I can lose all the weight I want simply by stopping my medications but my anxiety comes back and I feel like sh*t.
Which would you choose if you were in a similar situation?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Dec 2015, 3:35 am

What's the anxiety med if you don't mind me asking?
I'd say the best thing for long-term happiness is finding some way to manage the anxiety without meds...
Especially since the med effects your weight, to me that's not a good sign.
I'd say fat and happy but eventually being fat can lead to health issues and not be as happy.

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01 Dec 2015, 3:58 am

Can you switch meds or alter the dosage?

Being skinny isn't worth being miserable, but actually being fat isn't good either, i'd go for the average of the two personally


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01 Dec 2015, 5:07 am

In the spring of last year I was in the best shape of my life. I would work out each morning, eat purely whole foods and consume vast amounts of water. I felt amazing. However, when the inevitable derailment occurred I felt utterly dreadful. This resulted in a vicious cycle of binge eating on refined carbohydrates and then purging soon after. If the autism diagnosis had been made earlier, I strongly suspect that I never would have worked out to begin with. I am a rigid thinker. If I had an "off day", my mind would self-abase to the pernicious extent that suicide became a viable option. Anyway, I am too much of a gastronome to truly care about my physical image.

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01 Dec 2015, 12:25 pm

BrainPower101 wrote:
I can lose all the weight I want simply by stopping my medications but my anxiety comes back and I feel like sh*t.
Which would you choose if you were in a similar situation?

Option three:

1} Stay on the meds while you follow an elimination/challenge diet protocol to determine which, if any, foods trigger or aggravate unpleasant or disturbing feelings or reactions, and which ones make you feel better. Over time, you'll get a much better sense of the diet that helps you the most emotionally and physically.

2) Begin a movement program that builds reflexes and restores primal movement patterns (Original Strength, Yoga Tuneup, Restorative Exercise, Primal Play are examples). Keep a mood log, or use mindfulness practice to get in tune with your body's response to this.

3) Increase your intake of leafy greens, which are known to improve mood and regulate anxiety, partly by decreasing systemic inflammation and partly by providing essential nutrition for nervous system health and development.

4) Talk with your physician (the one who prescribes the meds) about a responsible, monitored tapering off of the meds, one at a time. Dropping them quickly, or without first developing the habits 1-3, will result in misery, as your brain and body need time to adjust gradually to changes in neuro and body chemistry. Your body and brain adjusted *to* the drugs and will need time and support to adjust to lower drug levels.

You don't have to be fat OR skinny. You have another option, which is to step toward increased wellbeing, one small gradual change at a time, and it never has to stop.


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01 Dec 2015, 12:39 pm

Having been skinny all my life, I'd try out "Fappy".


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01 Dec 2015, 12:41 pm

I would say try not to worry about your body. Try to see if you can learn alternate techniques to manage your emotions. If you can wean yourself off the meds with a doctor's guidance, you can then start to live a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise and your body will find it's ideal natural weight. I think a good goal is rather than having an ideal weight or ideal body type, try to have an ideal lifestyle and let your body find its right balance.

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01 Dec 2015, 12:42 pm

Maybe you could talk to your doctor about if there are any other medications you could try instead that doesn't have weight gain as a common side effect. Of course some doctors seem to think side effects like that are irrelevant, but I am pretty sure it is relevant to people who experience those side effects.

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Emu Egg
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02 Dec 2015, 2:36 am

Before I became a cheeseburger, I was a woman composed of 105 pounds of muscular matter known as the biochemical phenomenon Lauren. Yet despite my balanced body-mass index, my mind has always had a wayward metabolism of its own, circling up into great excitements, then, just as precipitously, diving down into deep waters where everything is dank and dark.

Sea Gull
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03 Dec 2015, 1:38 am

Became a cheeseburger? How does one become a cheeseburger?


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03 Dec 2015, 2:26 pm

Well, I'll state for the record I've always been skinny, yes spaghetti-like arms with not a great deal of muscle tone wherein, I get a tonful of hurtful names thrown in my direction. In fact, because of how I see myself I tend to be reluctant to provide photographic images of myself in a total manner. Getting back to your point if you feel that your weight is an issue you should discuss this with your doctor for there might be other medications which might be less problematic. On a personal level my sister later in life developed a great deal of mass and now my mom constantly harps on her about such, however I treat her humanely regardless cause, I'm no better for being within the extreme of either side of weight issues I have learned not to mock nor denigrate others.

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.


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03 Dec 2015, 7:53 pm

Pain is inevitable.

Misery is optional.


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03 Dec 2015, 8:44 pm

Is this a seriously a serious question? Fappy 100%.

Not autistic, I think
Prone to depression
Have celiac disease
Poor motivation

Tufted Titmouse
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04 Dec 2015, 8:50 pm

That depends on who you ask. Most people its a quality of life thing. Meaning they'd rather suffer the ill effects or in extreme cases die sooner, if it means that between now and the bad thing is of higher quality (less pain physically or psychologically) then it's worth. Some would rather squeeze out every ounce of time instead even if it means being in a personal hell, others its a combination of the two (a middle of the road approach).

In terms of your question being fat in and of itself isn't great, but its far from the end of the world. Plus there's things you can do to lessen the effects on your body like eating right and exercising. If weight is from medications, it won't help take the pounds off, but you'll feel better personally, and you'll lessen the overall risks of being overweight considerably (though not completely). I'd personally take the extra weight if it meant I was enjoying life more as long as said weight wasn't causing other issues like lack of mobility, pain, or other side effects/symptoms.


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06 Dec 2015, 2:45 am

I would chose to be fat but I'd consider other meds 1st. If that was the only med I could take that worked well with the best side-effect profile for me; I'd try to stay in shape more by working out & maybe changing eating habits atad.

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06 Dec 2015, 3:02 am

Being a fat person myself, who can lose weight pretty easily if I would only exercise and watch my caloric intake; I would pick fat and happy. But not as fat as I am. This is a bit unhealthy. I have depression and eat food for comfort. I don't want to give up certain foods. For me, food equals happiness, as for you meds equal happiness. If there are things that can be done to keep a healthy weight while staying "happy", that would be the best choice in my opinion. Skinny and fat are labels, anyway. My healthy weight is bigger than some other people. If you can be happy, be happy. :)

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