K_Kelly wrote:
I want to spark a change from within the ASD community.
community? there is a community around here but i do not think it is ASD.
K_Kelly wrote:
My opinion is that I think people should stop calling Aspergers a "Syndrome". The general ASD population still refers to autism as a disorder, so I think Aspergers particularly should use the term " disorder " instead. Besides the term "disorder" sounds like it has more mainstream acceptance than the term Syndrome.
How can we change this?
it may be interesting to think about the word "drome". it means something like a path. a course for conduit.
hippodrome=a path for horses to run around.
aerodrome=a path for aircraft to land upon.
palindrome=a reverse path
prodrome=a preemptive path..
a syndrome is a set of congruent pathological paths that are associated with a disorder.
i see no inherent problem with the use of the word "syndrome"