b9 wrote:
coincidences are always occurring because every incident that happens concurrently with another incident is a co-incidence, and as such everything that ever happens is coincidental to everything else.
This is the literal truth. All simultaneously occurring events are coincident, by definition. Human beings don't generally note this, but label only what they perceive to be
meaningfully coincident events as "coincidences."
The question that might help the OP not feel fearful about this is: where does that sense of meaning come from?
If you have a religious or superstitious mentality, you will tend to believe that the source of the sense of meaning is external supernatural entities. If you are a naturalist or merely and attentive observer of reality, you will discern that your own mind is the source of your sense of meaning.
The sense of meaningful coincidence that can produce fear is based in imagining supernatural agency and loss of personal control.
An understanding of cause and effect depends on observed coincidences: turning the knob is meaningfully coincident with the door unlatching, pulling the trigger is meaningfully coincident with the ignition of the powder in the shell casing and the bullet exiting the barrel of the gun, turning the wheel clockwise is meaningfully coincident with the car turning right, and so on. This kind of coincidence does not generate fear.
But thunderstorms rolling in as you have an emotional conflict with someone important in your life? Such events may be coincident, but it's easy to recognize that thunderstorms come and go with low pressure systems and weather fronts and that the same kind of emotional conflict has and can occur in any meteorological condition.
The fear of supernatural agency in your life can be strong if you look at the events that seem meaningfully coincident as unique, but if you compare the coincident events with similar events dispassionately, you will become aware of there being no meaningful connection between the events that seemed mysteriously and meaningfully coincident.