So...not too long ago I found out that someone I know who I strongly suspect has aspergers (reading world history books at age 8; took well into adulthood to be comfortable going into a store without being overwhelmed by all the people; incredible memory; awkward gait and posture; highly knowledged in a few topics of interest; often fails to get sarcasm, analogies, and rhetoric questions; inappropriate responses to surprise events like emergencies; OCD/OCPD like; shuts down/shuts people out when "overwhelmed"; triggers that result in an outburst, followed by either being fine in 10 minutes or shutting down/out; etc.) had lied to me about some things. We discussed everything when I realized the truth, and he came clean. Well, a month back he was at the home of a friend with me. They noticed a few days later that a brand new microSD card was missing. I noticed the other day he had microSD card I hadn't seen before, which brought the missing card to mind, so I asked about it. He claimed he had had it for a while, but "forgot" he had it. He even named the store where he supposedly bought it (unusual I asked "Oh, where would you even get that kind from?"). I have since asked my friends whose card went missing the specs on it (e.g. didn't use word "micro," and requested size and brand). Anyhow, the card is the same, which means he stole it. Now, I'm not jumping the gun when I say he stole it..I have spent a LOT of time with this guy, and I have seen every electronics item he has. Many times. I also know that he doesn't have much money and no car, so if he had had this a while, it was from before we met. One of the things he had prided himself on was that before we met, he hadn't bought anything other than absolute necessary items for over 2 no SD cards. So, based on that, I know he didn't just have it "lying around" from over 2 years ago. A 32GB SD card two years ago would have been freaking expensive!!
Anyhow, ramble and not the point. The point is...I have had this guy at my home LOTS. Sometimes even alone. I have NEVER had anything stolen, or if so, I have yet to find what he took. He really likes electronics and stealing a SD card associated with "hoarding?" Or is it just flat out stealing? And how to I bring this up? I mean, he's going to FLIP if I just approach him...and TBH, I'm not sure it's even worth it. In the end, he has a stolen SD card, and my friends are missing theirs. And...FYI...the card was brand new when it would have still been in original packaging.