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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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07 Nov 2009, 2:35 pm

It has just occured to me that quentin tarantino must have a mild form of aspergers mainly due to his eccentric personality, his obsession with movies and the fact that he dropped out of school at 15 yet hes got an iq of 160, this kind of contrast is often likely with people who have aspergers.


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07 Nov 2009, 2:48 pm

I usually reserve giving labels to anyone else. Sometimes our race to label celebrities with the disorder is done for our own selfish reasons to feel included.

Diagnosis: Asperger's, Tourette's
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07 Nov 2009, 5:14 pm

Xelebes wrote:
I usually reserve giving labels to anyone else. Sometimes our race to label celebrities with the disorder is done for our own selfish reasons to feel included.

:roll: I for one would like to publicly distance myself from any group that might include Quentin Tarantino. That boy is waaay too hyper for me, just watching him do interviews makes me nervous. :bounce:

I wouldn't jump immediately to AS (though the idea has occurred to me more than once watching him), but I'd say ADHD is a no-brainer.

I don't know what his IQ is, he's certainly not stupid, but I'd hope if he were so smart, he'd make better movies.

He definitely has a unique style, but his work though frenetically paced often seems ultimately to go nowhere (as though he got so excited about the initial concept, he didn't spend enough time developing the plot and the ending). To quote Macbeth: "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". Case in point: Death Proof. :roll:

Though I was quite impressed with his performance in Planet Terror. The Spaz can act a little. :D


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07 Nov 2009, 8:54 pm

Willard wrote:
He definitely has a unique style, but his work though frenetically paced often seems ultimately to go nowhere (as though he got so excited about the initial concept, he didn't spend enough time developing the plot and the ending). To quote Macbeth: "[i]A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing :D

Not to jump on the labeling bandwagon, but you just sort of described another autistic trait. Attention to detail to the point of a loss of the concept of the big picture. And an example could be in Kill Bill where Uma Therman fights the crazy 88s (one of the best scenes in movie history) He spent so much time on that scene, I think he lost a little bit of the concept of the entire movie as a whole, resulting in the movie having to be divided into two parts. That wasn't originally intended. However, more movie for me to watch so win win. I love QT btw. :D


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07 Nov 2009, 9:08 pm

Willard wrote:
To quote Macbeth: "A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". Case in point: Death Proof. :roll:



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07 Nov 2009, 9:30 pm

Willard wrote:
Xelebes wrote:
but I'd hope if he were so smart, he'd make better movies.

I'd love to see you do better than the first half of Reservoir Dogs with your debut movie, in fact i can't wait til it comes out :P

Judging Tarantinos work by Death Proof and Polanet Terror is like judging Lou Reed's output by Metal Machine Music.

read all the pamphlets and watch the tapes!

get all confused and then mix up the dates.


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07 Nov 2009, 9:35 pm

He don't tip. He don't believe in it!

You! Shut up!

Why don't you tip ya cheapskate?


07 Nov 2009, 9:53 pm

Labeling celebrities gets so old.


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07 Nov 2009, 10:00 pm

Death Proof would have been good if the action/suspense had continued at the half way point instead of lasting for 5 minutes then stopping dead. Instead he introduced all new characters who were even more boring then the first group. The action and suspense when they DID happen were awesome, I will give him that.

His dialogue can be clever but way too long. It fails to develop character or move the plot forward. Also the perfect speech of everyone lacks realism so it is hard to form a connection with his characters. I like Kill Bill the best out of any of his movies. Yeah there were areas of useless gibberish but at least the plot moved forward and had some cool stuff. Tarantino is a decent actor too. Its obvious he writes his own lines for his parts!

Planet Terror is way way way better than Death Proof.

I once thought Alexis Bledel might have AS cos she seemed awkward in interviews sometimes. But i doubt it. Some people are just like that it, theyre just shy sometimes. Others are a bit intense and get excited about a certain thing. It doesnt mean they have anything and its unfair to label them.


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07 Nov 2009, 10:03 pm

I second the ADHD vote.


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08 Nov 2009, 11:15 am

His work is heavily plagurised, everything is like a collection of the best bits of every movie in a particular genre. That would be in keeping with an aspie diagnosis. It looks like he can manipulate people though. Brad Pitt seemed to suggest he was persuaded into doing Inglourious Basterds. Maybe he is more in the PDD NOS category or at least on the spectrum but not aspergers.

Pulp Fiction is the only movie he's done I've ever enjoyed. Resovoir dogs is a pointless bloodbath and Jackie brown was one of the worst films I've ever seen. I only liked Kill Bill a bit because I like/fancy Uma Thurman. I liked the start of From Dusk till Dawn it was interesting to see the relationship between george clooney's character and his brother and when they become involved with that family but what the hell was the ending????

He did write the screen plays for true romance and natural born killers (both fantastic). But they were adapted and directed by others.

Pulp Fiction aside maybe he's a guy with great ideas but needs help from others to make them into great movies.


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08 Nov 2009, 11:31 am

Xelebes wrote:
I usually reserve giving labels to anyone else. Sometimes our race to label celebrities with the disorder is done for our own selfish reasons to feel included.
Exactly. And it's usually done when the person being labelled only shows a few of the traits.


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08 Nov 2009, 11:35 am

The only good thing about pulp fiction is "say what again" and possibly john trovolta dancing. Actually, forget the latter. It was awful (IMO). Kill Bill is the only of his movies that was really that good.

I liked him in from dust till dawn though.

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08 Nov 2009, 3:21 pm

"The only good thing about pulp fiction is "say what again" and possibly john trovolta dancing"

no way. there isn't a bad scene or line in that whole film, it's a masterpiece.


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08 Nov 2009, 7:16 pm

racooneyes wrote:
Willard wrote:
Xelebes wrote:
but I'd hope if he were so smart, he'd make better movies.

I'd love to see you do better than the first half of Reservoir Dogs with your debut movie, in fact i can't wait til it comes out :P

Judging Tarantinos work by Death Proof and Polanet Terror is like judging Lou Reed's output by Metal Machine Music.

I'll be sure and let you know when it drops. If it isn't better than Reservoir Dogs, I'll take a sledgehammer to my word processor. :roll:


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08 Nov 2009, 7:37 pm

dustintorch wrote:
Willard wrote:
He definitely has a unique style, but his work though frenetically paced often seems ultimately to go nowhere (as though he got so excited about the initial concept, he didn't spend enough time developing the plot and the ending). To quote Macbeth: "[i]A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing :D

Not to jump on the labeling bandwagon, but you just sort of described another autistic trait. Attention to detail to the point of a loss of the concept of the big picture. And an example could be in Kill Bill where Uma Therman fights the crazy 88s (one of the best scenes in movie history) He spent so much time on that scene, I think he lost a little bit of the concept of the entire movie as a whole, resulting in the movie having to be divided into two parts. That wasn't originally intended. However, more movie for me to watch so win win. I love QT btw. :D

I was watching Kill Bill on Spike last night, and saw the entire Japan arc, including the Crazy 88s fight scene. Funny as hell. That had to be the greatest two hours of my life. And I can see where the attention to detail came from... a bit.

"Everyone who is still alive, you may flee. However, leave the limbs you lost. They belong to me now."

"Feel free to discuss any issue you may have. No topic is taboo - except any that express negativity over my Chinese or American heritage. The price for doing so... I TAKE YOUR FREAKIN HEAD!"

Sorry, had to include a few quotes.
OMG I was freaking out over that fight though, my mom had to come downstairs at one in the morning when I was watching and tell me to shut up.