I can sympathize with this, I often feel exactly this way.
I'm not into what so many others are into, and it baffles people. Everyone likes movies, for instance, but I dont. Everyone drinks (or at least it seems that way sometimes) but I never do. Everyone follows and knows about so many trends, but I just dont care.
My appearance, well, I'm male but I kinda look like a girl, or am a bit on the androgynous side I suppose. Even my body shape isnt quite right. People can get weird about this one.
Because I'm male, there's this constant assumption that I can lift heavy things, or whatever. I can barely carry a gallon of milk or whatever without wrecking my arm. Let alone lifting something that's genuinely HEAVY. I just cant do it. And yeah, there's always then that assumption of laziness that follows, bah.
Everyone else is up during the day.... I'm only ever awake during the night.
And like you I never quite feel or even act my age in alot of ways. It's like I never QUITE progressed past a later stage of childhood. Or something.... it's hard to explain. It can cause alot of problems.
And of course.... I dont socialize or talk much. But everyone else does. Needless to say, this is frustrating...
I'm thinking that plenty of others on this site probably feel pretty much this way as well, with their own list of things that seem "wrong".
But, I tend to think that it's not really wrong... just different. It's not like me disliking movies or whatever makes me into a bad person, even if everyone else doesnt understand it. And things such as that.