Whole body motions...
One thing thats vexed me every now and then is my ability to do things with my body that others can't. Such as move various parts of my bodies to do things that no one else can. Not like being double jointed or anything, its never a matter of flexibility. A lot of these things I can do are complicated if not impossible to explain.
One of them involves me moving my hand and wrist in different directions at the same time. Its very painful (but for some reason I'm compelled to do it, its maddening at times). Another is an interpative dance I used to do. A long time ago someone asked me to dance, they kept saying they wanted to see what it would look like if I danced. I knew they only wanted to make fun of me, but I was bored... I did it anyways. I can't explain what I did, it was a really complicated whole body kinda thing, I was all over the place (not something I had planned, it was just kind of a weird feeling that came over me). They asked me to repeat it quite a few times some of which I did, eventually I stopped because it seemed to follow me around wherever I went. People wanted to see it, but I always knew it was only because they wanted to laugh at me. Its been a long time since I've did it, everyone who I used to know that saw it I no longer associate myself with.
I was curious, does anyone else have any particular complex body motions that they are able to perform?
Darth Rove: I find your lack of Clothes Sexy.
I'm dyspraxic, so sometimes between my brain sending a message to the relevant body part to say 'do this' and the body part actually moving, something goes wrong and I move in a completely unintended way or sometimes I have involuntary twitches (like in my right foot which keeps kicking my left ankle - I now have scars because I've had that problem for years!)
I have some very mild 'tic'-like experiences too, like my tongue sometimes clicks without me really having much say in it and I have other twitches in my limbs occasionally. I even thought it might be tourettes at one point - but I think it's really just dyspraxia combined with stress / anxiety and I have a diagnosis of dyspraxia.
As for general movement, I've always been very supple and, particularly as a child, I was fascinated by things like acrobatics and gymnastics and contortionism- all things that involve moving the body in unusual, unconventional and creative ways. I'm still very interested in this, and often as a child my natural instinct as to how to perform a task was different from the 'usual' instinct - e.g. I would try to open doors with my feet and toes rather than my hands. If something is on the floor, I just pick it up with one of my feet rather than bending my back to pick it up with my hands.
I don't know if this is quite relevant to your experiences, but I thought I would mention it as it is nice to meet someone who also has had 'different' physical movement experiences.