Grammar Geek wrote:
I'm pretty good at figuring out if someone has Asperger's if I talk to them for a few minutes. One telltale sign is that I can relate to them

. Most NTs can spot an Aspie, although they usually just think we're weird and don't realize we have medical diagnoses. I'm not good at detecting an Aspie if they don't talk, though; for example, apparently a lot of us, including me, have a distinctive gait, but I've never noticed that about myself or other people I've learned are Aspies. NTs seem to be able to notice that the subtle body language we give out is different in some way and are able to hone in on us.
I can usually spot them the second I see their eyes. Not only by how their eyes look, but by their non-neurotypical eye contact. The over-intense staring or constantly moving their eyes from one object to another. Neurotypical people just don't do that.
I can verify my suspicions by looking at their facial expressions, their unnatural appearing stances or movements, and any unique fashion.
If all that checks out, I'm pretty confident that I spotted one.