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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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21 Dec 2015, 9:48 pm

A gal walked by at work and said "..almost need war paint to go back in there.".

I didn't recognize a word she said. I had no clue. I literally didn't make any of the words out. So, I asked the gentleman standing next to me, what did she say? And, he said, "something about war paint.".

And, all of a sudden, I knew what she said simply by remembering the sound of her words and having a context.

This happens a bit to me and I have to ask people to repeat what they said sometimes. Hbu?

Last edited by Torstin on 21 Dec 2015, 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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21 Dec 2015, 9:50 pm

All the time.


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21 Dec 2015, 9:51 pm

Too often.

I think it's called dysphonia, or something like that. It was a real problem when I was younger, but now it's only annoying.


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22 Dec 2015, 6:53 pm

Pretty common to those of us with Auditory Processing Disorders. Very much like dyslexia except for auditory processing of sounds into words/sentences instead of visual shapes into words/sentences. It may sound odd at first but one workaround is to learn to "listen" to the sounds around you not from your ears, but from your head, as if they are on a loop delay.

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23 Dec 2015, 1:12 am

yes that happens to me all the time!!

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23 Dec 2015, 1:49 am

Every freakin' day!! I have the hardest time discriminating the human voice. Sometimes, it even sounds fluttery like talking into a fan. Could never understand radio chatter (The CB, Military, Ham Radio, on the Moon type of chatter) and it drove me nuts when I was younger. Thank goodness that's mostly gone from public consumption. Also have trouble with movies and TV when they make the music and Sound Effects too competitive. I prefer the older TV and Movies because their handling of sound was to make the dialogue as clear as possible and the music or effects were just there to add to it, not compete with the words.

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Emu Egg
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23 Dec 2015, 2:09 am

All the time! Even if the people talking are loud enough for me to hear, it often comes across as gibberish to me. Sometimes I'll get it if I take a little bit to think on it, but even if I do manage to decipher what they've said, I'm way behind on the conversation and look either rude or foolish.

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23 Dec 2015, 2:17 am

This always happens to me. But not as much with those I know well, maybe because I become used to their speech patterns and voice.

Apparently I have exceptional auditory working memory, which is related to musical ability. But I have a lot of trouble understanding speech. I can hear just fine, but I have no idea what was said. Other noises being around make it much worse because I can't filter out the sounds like other people. I can play music back in my head, and replay things people have said very well...but if I didn't make sense of what they said, only a bunch of sounds and tones plays back.

I'm the person who has to turn the tv volume way up when watching with others, because even small sounds they make while shifting position on the sofa makes it impossible for me to understand the actors. Talking on the phone with customer service is bad too, because they always have some sort of noise going on in the background, or a foreign accent, and then I can hardly understand a thing.


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23 Dec 2015, 2:18 pm

Add me to the list...

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23 Dec 2015, 2:21 pm

Happens to me too. Not all the time but enough times for me to notice so it's pretty frequent.

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23 Dec 2015, 2:48 pm

sometimes, not all too often.

i'd benefit from having subtitles scroll across my field of vision...

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23 Dec 2015, 3:31 pm

Great topic, it could explain a few of my trouble areas(crowds, movies, noisy places ....) All the background noise makes it hard for me to follow what is being said. I always thought it was a signal to noise problem.

I found an interesting article on the subject. It explains a more severe form of the disorder.

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23 Dec 2015, 4:03 pm

Frequently. People often get annoyed - or start talking louder. :)

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23 Dec 2015, 10:53 pm

Jensen wrote:
Frequently. People often get annoyed - or start talking louder. :)

One thing I hate is that when people talk with their mouth full and you ask them to repeat what they said and they just say it louder. I have enough problems with voices. I was at dinner with my family tonight in a restaurant. Not crowded or noisy, but I did have to do a small amount of lip reading to help decipher the sounds.

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23 Dec 2015, 11:05 pm

Oh yes, all the time. I always have to ask for people to repeat themselves, and I can never decipher the lyrics to songs. Combine it with my NVLD and movies are a nightmare to try to understand: I can't figure out what is being said, and I can't distinguish between characters to figure out and remember who's whom. I hate movies, but it's pretty much sacrilege to say that to people.


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24 Dec 2015, 8:16 am

I have trouble following movies and need to watch them a few times. The dialog and action are way too complicated. By the time I figured out the scene, it is long gone and I missed the next scene and got lost.

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