Interesting responses so far. Still no votes for the first option in the poll, which is interesting if not unexpected. I do feel that way some days; I'd rather be just about anywhere then by myself. The days where I'm not, I get really anxious after more than a few hours without some kind of interaction. I just do not take it well. Used to be fine, but in the past decade I've become much more socially inclined. I'm pleased with that change but my ability to meet that need has not caught up with it.
Malaise wrote:
So, it's frustrating largely because I don't feel I have many options, and none that are appealing. I have to take my social time when it happens and when opportunities come up. I prefer to be making things happen, though.
Oh yeah, I get that too.
I had yesterday off. It was
awful. A whole day to myself... and
only myself, because every place I would have wanted to go was closed. I think I really need to work on "making things happen", myself. Part of my problem is that I don't open up enough to people though, so establishing connections that allow me to network like that is difficult.
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.