I have a feeling a lot of older people with High Functioning Autism (somewhat different to AS) would have been institutionalized as children, mainly because they were either too difficult for their parents to handle, regarded as mentally ret*d or an embarrassment to their families.
Hi newchum,
Your feelings are correct. It's sad but true that this has been done. As for many being put away because they are an embarrassment to their families, one of the most famous families have been guilty of this too. The Kennedy family's oldest sister was not only put in an institution, but labotomized as well to keep her quiet, I'm sure. I have written a memorial blog in her memory online;
http://www.monastic_1.blogspot.com/ On Dec. 10, 2004 we talked about this subject, too. Many new people have joined since. Here is the particular thread that started the thread;
http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules.php? ... ght=#11904 Here’s the link I gave about America’s Deep, Dark Secret;
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/04/ ... 4728.shtml America's Deep, Dark Secret
May 2, 2004
60 Minutes
(CBS) One of the deep, dark secrets of America's past has finally come to light. Starting in the early 1900s, hundreds of thousands of American
children were warehoused in institutions by state governments. And the
federal government did nothing to stop it.
Louis is correct, this sort of thing still goes on and probably will continue until we can educate people about what autism is, and how it is wrong to lobotomize us, lock us away or like has been reported recently, put us in cages. I wonder how much more can we take?
Compressing the most words into the smallest ideas possible.
In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act. - George Orwell