Spiderpig wrote:
If my experience with bullies and hopelessly trying to fit in is anything representative, you need to be really physically tough and kick some copious amount of ass before you can be considered masculine and respected as such. Otherwise, when you inevitably make one of the tons of social goofs autistics are bound to make, you'll be put at the bottom of the pecking order and pecked to death if you try to contest it.
I think you're exaggerating a bit. Realize, most of the times guys don't actually fight, they do a lame peacock dance instead. You know, puff up the chest, widen the arms, take up as much space as possible, and yap like a dog. Very rarely does it actually lead to a fight, the vast majority of the time one of the contenders backs down during the display. On a side note, if you really want to win the fight, pop the opponent mid-sentence at the start of the "dance"-- he hasn't gotten his adrenaline up yet and about half the time he won't throw back because he's in a state of shock. Got me through high school. Of course people will claim you fight dirty, but let's face it a physical confrontation is right out of the jungle, and in the jungle there are no rules.