My 6th child is 14 months old and I've been suspicious of autism for a while now. He has had other health issues and was premature, but he shows some atypical things for a child even with his history I believe. I mentioned my concerns to our occupational therapist and he said he definitely sees signs of sensory issues and it wouldn't be a bad idea to mention it to his pediatrician and neurologist, which I will be doing soon, but wanted to know what people who have been through this think.
The signs he has that make me suspicious are:
Head banging
Ear covering
Babbles but doesn't use any words with purpose
Doesn't point or wave
Did not demand to be held or fed as an infant and was most content in the mamaroo with repetitive motion
Doesn't cuddle at all, never really has
Is very strange with extreme temperatures. He wont touch anything hot, eat ice cream, touch snow, and if he does he starts shaking his hands
Gets hysterical from loud noises like the vacuum or the dog barking, or when you are trying to get him to do something he doesn't want to like his last 2 physical therapy appointments (this one really takes me off guard because 98% of the time he is so super chill and doing his own thing and not in the least bit demanding...)
He's perfectly content playing alone in his crib
He has to have his bedtime routine or he will stand up and jump in his crib and wont settle down for hours
There are several things he does do that make me think I'm just looking too much into things like making eye contact, playing peek a boo, smiling and laughing with the other kids at times. Thoughts anyone??