I frequently get angry for the most trivial reasons, always in "crowded" settings, especially when I perceive others are causing me to waste/lose time and/or money. Examples would include...
1. Slow motorists in front of me, especially the old hags that only drive to the grocery store or to visit grandkids.
2. Persons being served ahead of me in a business that are dawdling (lollygagging), or making pointless small talk.
3. Persons who try to make me pause or linger in a place I don't want to. Ranges from panhandlers to marketers.
4. Idiots who want to STAND at the bar when there are plenty of stools available. Sit down or go away, dammit!
5. Persons in a queue who insist on standing several feet behind whoever is in front of them, making the line look longer. Hey, I'm too far away to read the danm menu behind the counter!
If given the opportunity, I will belittle those who display the above behaviours. An example would be following "Granma Glitchbutt" into the supermarket parking lot, rolling down my window as she gets out of her full-sized Oldsmobile, and yelling something at her like, "if you drove any slower, you'd be in reverse!"
Yes, I've had to do anger management classes, but their "professional" conclusion was that as long as I carry antisocial attitudes, I'll always have anger issues. Perhaps they don't understand that's part of my diagnosis?