...But its not exactly precisely for ' 100 % good ' reasons ! I'm glad I got still another tablet , and I have set it up , and am listening to music on it - but its --- what ??? --- weeks since my last tablet was stolen , from this last shelter ?
I bought new shoes today , too , but , obviously I can't do that indefinitely (the tablets , more) - This is not just my third tablet since Íve been here in this shelter , its at least my SIXTH tablet/laptop that I've had - and had stolen/lost - since late 2014 or so , which itself does not count two previous smartphones stolen in 2014
Oh , and I had my busking musical instruments and stuff and the case that held them plus whatever does stolen , while I was in the store (on Market Street) where I bought the tablet , the various stuff being very well inside the store !
Listeningbto music and expressing myself this late nghtnrather than not expressing myself feels good - but I will have been literally ALL NIGHT thisnnigh , I'll have to pay for it , and, too , partly to console myself for the stolen busking stuff , I really junk-fooded out , as well as Chinese food, bringing it back to the shelter , which I'm not really supposed to by the rules (They had done monthly pesticid-ing yestermorning) , also a load of soda/crap Hi t drinks - Relish , but um , I'm diabetic !
Oh , and , I will have to sleep with this tablet , I guess , to keep it from being stolen !