Kuraudo777 wrote:
I have massive digestion problems so that there isn't much I can actually eat; gluten, meat, and sugar do not agree with me at all.
I have gastritis. It doesn't seem like there's much I'm allowed to eat either but it's hard to tell for me. When partnered with anxiety, I can't tell what foods are okay with my stomach. Sometimes I can eat the same food and have a different reaction. For example so many times I ate curly fries I had my heart race but the last time I ate them it was okay.
I don't know if there is a cure. I have tried marshmallow root but I dunno if it was working. I believe it got rid of my esophagitis though but I know it lowers your blood sugar. Doctors tell me to stop taking it but I only take it as listed on the bottle. I am looking to try potato juice. One website I read says that helps a lot of things. Anyway it can't hurt as it's just food. I also have a mix of herbs/vitamins that was listed on a naturopathic website. I might try that more also if the potato juice does not work.