In any industry where tips are a healthy part of the operation's income you're going to have overly social people working there. You pay a bill for the food or the haircut, etc, but you tip the servicer for the asskissing they give you while you're there. A few years back I was at a diner and got an overly bubbly waitress who I could tell was going to make my experience a nightmare so I told her right off the bat, "I'm a solitary person, the more I'm left alone the bigger your tip will be." You'd think I'd killed her siblings with the way she looked back at me.
Realize that in public you have no inherent rights, society will dictate how you have to operate. As infuriating as it can be your best chance at a successful interaction is to just bite your tongue, accept it, and keep your answers very short. The shorter the reply, the more likely the questioner is to assume you're uninterested in the conversation and stop questioning.