Woman with Asperger's shot and killed by police

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06 Feb 2016, 10:35 am

http://www.cnn.com/2016/02/05/us/asperg ... index.html

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06 Feb 2016, 12:22 pm

Someone has already posted a thread about this:



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06 Feb 2016, 12:32 pm

Ahhh, I never go into that forum. I put this here because I wanted it to be really known. But, the Mods can close this as it has a discussion going on elsewhere.

Thank you for letting me know. I was surprised nobody was commenting at all.....

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06 Feb 2016, 12:32 pm

Suicide by cop is indeed a tragic thing.


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06 Feb 2016, 12:41 pm

I'm kinda overwhelmed with this. I've tried to think of things to say to express what's going on inside me as a result of this.

I really can't come up with the words. And, that is frustrating.

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06 Feb 2016, 3:43 pm

Cops in this country are too damn trigger happy. Their tasers weren't working so obviously the only other solution was to shoot her dead, not shoot her in the arm forcing her to drop the knife. I wish it were like the UK where police don't carry guns except in special circumstances (unless that policy has been changed and I didn't know it.)

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06 Feb 2016, 4:09 pm

Please stop misgendering Kayden Clark. He was a transgender man. Please change the thread title to reflect that, out of respect.


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06 Feb 2016, 4:16 pm

I'm confused. The name of the person killed in this threads article is Danielle Jacobs, and in the other thread the name is Kayden Clark. Are they the same or not?

Whether the same or separate events, this is tragic.

Edit: NVM, I read the other article.

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06 Feb 2016, 4:21 pm

The person shot was transgender. Though I have not seen a name correlation yet, I would assume that it is either a mix up or the person had a new name since beginning to transition.

The worst part is that the police had a bit of foreknowledge and just should have been a bit more cautious on all fronts. It would have been easy to carry a bean bag round if it came to that.

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06 Feb 2016, 4:22 pm

wilburforce wrote:
Please stop misgendering Kayden Clark. He was a transgender man. Please change the thread title to reflect that, out of respect.
What the hell? I was quoting the newspaper article I found. It's not my fault that the information was not fully disclosed, so back the blame train up there.

And since the article I am quoting says that, it would actually be less informative.

And, by the way, in the article that I also found, the mother referred to the person as 'she'. So, what is wrong with a person who is transitioning being labeled as 'Woman' or 'she'?

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06 Feb 2016, 4:47 pm

Now to make matters worse, as more articles are written, AND the sloppy writing...

Is this a man transitioning to woman (As I originally thought)

Or a woman transitioning to a man?

They never use the same pronouns consistently flipping between him or her.

There is very sloppy journalism on this.

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06 Feb 2016, 4:52 pm

zkydz wrote:
Now to make matters worse, as more articles are written, AND the sloppy writing...

Is this a man transitioning to woman (As I originally thought)

Or a woman transitioning to a man?

They never use the same pronouns consistently flipping between him or her.

There is very sloppy journalism on this.

I'm just as confused as you. It's not the intent of anyone here to misrepresent the gender of the person who was killed. It's sloppy newspaper reporting.


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06 Feb 2016, 4:56 pm

zkydz wrote:
Now to make matters worse, as more articles are written, AND the sloppy writing...

Is this a man transitioning to woman (As I originally thought)

Or a woman transitioning to a man?

They never use the same pronouns consistently flipping between him or her.

There is very sloppy journalism on this.

It sounds like Kayden was a FtM transgender. And in the article in the other thread, they quote his mother, who misgenders him. (Sadly a lot of parents have trouble adjusting to having a trans kid.)


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06 Feb 2016, 5:00 pm

But even the reporting was so sloppy. Mixing pronouns and never clarifying.

I mean, you even say "Seems".

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