neptunekh wrote:
I know I can't look after a baby. Heck, I can barley look after myself. But maybe if I can get pregnant, I can give the baby up for adoption and people will sorry for the situation and not be as upset with me in the future. Is that a selfish plan?
1. Since you are 31, legally an adult, nobody will care more or less. I had friends pull a variation of your plan, and thought -moron, good luck with that- , and the sperm donor was usually a trainwreck and/or his is family. You'll be forever linked to other people that you may hate. So not worth it.
2. is not as easy as you think. The father will have "dibs" on the baby. If the dad does a pass, the state will look for next of kin. It may be your relatives or his. If there is no one, then baby will go to foster care and the adopted out.
*Truly private adoptions are few and far between. Those are young teens with no clue who the father is.
No one feels sorry for women getting pregnant, unless you are so low functioning, and there is an inkling the sex wasn't consensual. Then people get upset, the baby is adopted out (at least around here), the woman gets Norplant or Depo shots, and hustled off to supervised housing.
Not a whole lotta upside to any of that mess. Bonus round is some other human hunting you down when they turn 18, wondering about the whole story.
This has nope written all over it.
Last edited by Tawaki on 26 Jan 2016, 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.