restless ppl annoy me in conversations

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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29 Jan 2016, 10:15 am

If I am in a group of women and we are having a good, flowing conversation...especially one where I am keenly interested or gaining some type of knowledge, I find it super annoying when one or more of them are restless. What I mean is, having another conversation on the side, so only partially paying attention to the one I am in. Or, letting their children constantly interrupt....etc. Get my drift?

In other words, the conversation is repeatedly interrupted by fidgeting.(I feel like I am doing a horrible job of trying to explain this.:roll: ) Maybe I have trouble focusing and since I am interested in the topic, I resent these interruptions? Is it the Aspie trait of being too intense at times?

Am I alone here? 8O

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Boo Radley

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29 Jan 2016, 3:58 pm

I can relate to this. My brain is at its best when it's locked in on an interesting topic. It's kind of magical. I wish I could stay in that state for longer amounts of time. If the conversation is interrupted it's like having a rug yanked out from beneath me.