Do you have anyone "safe" you can talk to when the feelings swamp over?
For me, there is a huge difference between "wanting to die", and actually making a plan. I've done both. What helped me was 1) playing beeper tag with my shrink or 2) unloading on a forum.
I would start the conversation...I'm not making active plans to kill myself, but I'm really depressed. I didn't want someone calling the police, and me winding up in 4 point restraints in the ER.
I also have a plan written down on what I should do if I feel that depressed.
Mine is...
Tell my husband
Page my shrink
Try and keep busy, surf the net. Do not isolate.
If I'm really riled, I'm supposed to take so one dose of Xanax (I have 3 Xanax pills of 0.25 which is nothing), and I will see my shrink the next day.
I hope you are feeling better today. It is an awful feeling.
When you feel better, write down a plan of how to keep yourself safe when those feelings over come you. For me it helps to see it written down, even if a don't want to do anything on the list. The hardest is to telling my husband if I am that depressed. I feel so ashamed and worthless. He tells me he wants and needs to know those things, but it is still hard for me to do it.