Thanks for the posts .. It's interesting to relate the problems on focus, stress, nervous (due to?) , meltdown.
Unfortunately by lying on the bed alone and shut people off , isolation isn't a solution. I know you are recharging your batteries, but you can't do this at work or with friends.
for stress coping strategy , I do yoga and mediation breathing on mindfulness. Dipping in hot and cold pool makes miracles but no longer can afford to go to such spas now.
I am not sure if you read about the left brain and right brain function , myer Briggs sense and intuition. Most of the time my brain is either in the past or future, hardly in present. It's annoying because I can't concentrate to be in the present and what's happening around me , the people that are around me.
it's a feeling of spacey-ness like my body is here but not my mind. I am trying a spiritual method of using grounding stone like onyx and I hold it and fiddle with it as thou the weight of the stone makes me feel that I need to be in the present and prevent my mind from drifting away.
Aspie/Austism score 33 (34 & up) ADHD score 40 (34 & up)
High alexithymic / dysthymia / Possible Borderline PD
Star children - Indigo Child Myer Brig - INTJ The Architect
enneagram most like 5w4 - The Investigator / The Individualist
IQ 120 -130 High in Visual Intellgence