Ashariel wrote:
I'm smart in some ways, stupid in others.
I think I am very stupid sometimes. Othertimes I feel like a (relative) genius.
If something is said outloud, and I can't translate the words into a picture I can imagine... well, you can repeat yourself until the damn cows come home go back do a jig and come home again.
I will NOT in any way comprehend the material. It is about as useful as talking to a wall. I think the wall would understand more
However, give me a mental representation or "pictures" and I'm golden!
I will remember it for too long maybe.
Sometimes I think I must some kind of idiot savant (I don't actually think this) because I can memorize things that ... scare people.
Example, (most memorable one) l I was in elementary school and we had to study for a book-report test. I kind of liked the book- thought it was okay.
Although, I was determined to do well- I intensely read it uninterrupted for hours about 6 I reread the entire thing from front to back cover to cover, and finished with that.
(I never knew how to study really..)
The important part here was I was able to imagine a story in my head I had an HD 4k movie going on in my head ....
Anyway, I memorized, verbatim, the entire book.
I was able to rewrite from memory with correct dialogue for entire sections of the book- which ever they asked about for a long time after the fact without reviewing it again.
I ended up getting a 100 and literally everyone else in the class scored below a 65. (terrible teacher ... we didn't really ever go over the material... it was quite bad honestly.)
The teacher asked me how I did it, I said I don't know I just read the book.
Still don't know how I did that....
Sometimes I would replicate it- see something once and just BAM completely memorized word for word. However, this skill disappeared once I got nervous and afraid to show other people because it made me look different.
I don't know if that counts for anything.
My skills are completely imbalanced though.
I mean it- I remember a score I got in math once (one of those big national tests) and there two different math sections: Math A & B and then English A & B
and I remember I scored literally about 96-99th percentile on both sections A (whatever they were) in both Math and English and then you look right next to it and I got about a 35% in the B sections.
I didn't understand that either..... Not sure if that means I'm "bad" or "good" at either English OR Math
I'd be curious if anyone had an idea of what that means......