obsessingoverobsessions wrote:
... Or is it just common for everyone?
At night, I wake up unintentionally early, at around 3:55am to 4:05am. It takes me a long time (about three hours) to get to sleep after that. But once I wake up early once, it continues for weeks, and I wake up at the same time too. I've read somewhere that autism is related to sleep problems and I was wondering if anyone else gets this.
Some folks dont actually need the full 8 hours that most folks need.
Both Napoleon, and Akbar the Great (Mogol emperor of India) only slept four hours a night- which helped them get stuff done contributing to their success in conquering whole continents.
Have seen ordinary folks on documentaries who only sleep 30 minutes a night.
Just go with it. Try starting the day at four am for a while, and see what happens. Maybe you'll end up conquering an empire!
What, about my Penguin Empire! Mabye, I have more in common with Napoleon then I thought.