Cheerlessleader wrote:
I'm diagnosed with asperger's but I seriously think that I'm somewhere else on the spectrum.
Mainly because I didn't speak until I was 4 years old, and people stress that people with asperger's "have no significant language delay", and I hardly call 2 years insignificant.
I think I may have PDD-NOS. What do you think?
AutismAsperger'sPDD-NOSP.S. I brought this up with my mum and she told me that she was told I have autism when I was 4.
WHO KNOWS! When I was older, I practically NEVER spoke unless I really had something to say etc... Maybe YOU were the same way. My mother even said I didn't speak until I was like 18 months, although she earlier said 14 months.(I was in the hospital twice, and she didn't remember me talking the first time). That never made sense to me, because she is NEUROTIC! She would have been a nervous wreck if I took that long to say ANYTHING. NOW, she says 9-10 months! I guess I just didn't speak in complex sentences until about 18. My point is that her memory wasn't perfect. The information might have been gone FOREVER if not for PICTURES!
As for lightning88? HOW do you READ without understanding the words? And WHY would anyone believe you were reading? In any event, reading requiers much of the same processing and, if I was a psychiatrist, I would count it in the same way. Kids are exposed to speaking more, it is more obvious what is going on, and it is probably interesting to a baby. It makes sense that babies at least TRY to emulate it. You would think that all able babies would pick it up. As I said earlier you might simply have chosen not to talk.