Even with music that I really really like, I don't like to blast it too loud. I sometimes turn the volume down a notch from the highest point with my headphones. My headphones keep a comfortable distance from my ear canals, so I get the most natural sound. And they don't have noise cancelling, and don't have a very loud output in general. But it makes it safer, because I can still hear cars on the road when I'm walking.
I had more of a tolerance for loud trance, techno music when I was a teen. But if I don't like the music, it literally can be painful if loud. Country music is always painful.
I wonder if our preference of the music effects how well our brains can tolerate the noise.
People whistling, train horns/whistles, bus warning beepers, emergency vehicles, certain people's voices can really hurt my ears or drive me up the wall! Some might say these are symptoms of "misophonia". Whistling is not particulary loud, nor are the singing mice from the movie "Cinderella", but for some reason, they tend to bother me sooo much.
Also, I hate it when people slam pallets at my work. Like a bunch of balloons popping in the ears all day. But some days, I'm not as sensitive to it as others. So it seems to go up and down.
Noise sensitivity has never been bad enough with me to be "debilitating" per se. Mostly annoying and stressful, if anything.
The cutest most lovable little rob0t on Earth! (^.^)